EMDR Therapy: What is Resourcing?
You’ve probably heard about EMDR Therapy, but what is “resourcing”? Simply put, it’s a shorthand for Phase 2 EMDR Therapy work which involves finding a person’s most tolerable window to reprocess and focuses on their ability to regulate and calm their system (so that reprocessing can take place safely!)
How Does EMDR Therapy Work Online?
Want to know more about how EMDR Therapy is done online? Allie explains the components of EMDR Therapy and what it looks like to do therapy eye movement online.
3 Quick Ways to Self Soothe When You Feel Anxious
One of my favorite ways to regulate my emotions or self soothe when I’m feeling overwhelmed, on guard, or tense is to use a butterfly hug (tapping) with a very short visualization.